Five years ago

Five years ago tonight, at 11pm, I began my labor to bring you into the world little one. You had your own timing even then, making me wait two weeks past your estimated due date, but when labor started you came quickly, only 1 hour and 50 minutes later! So tonight at 12:56am you will turn five.

You are my fairy child, always with a song on your lips, swirling to your own music with a smile for everyone.

You can most often be found around the house with one of our kitties in your arms, wearing a fancy dress, or playing with dolls or princesses.

I love the way you like to help me, when we go shopping or work in the kitchen together, you are always eager to jump right in and more than ever you want to "do it yourself!".

You are the most excited about your little baby brother growing in my belly, you can't wait to become a big sister this summer. I know that you will be the best helper, and that being a big sister will bring you joys that I can not yet imagine.

So tonight my dear, when I am tucking you into bed, I'll read our Waldorf verse that has become part of our family tradition...

When I have said my evening prayer,
and my clothes are folded on the chair
and mother switches off the light,
I'll still be 4 years old tonight.
But, from the very break of day,
before the children rise and play,
before the darkness turns to gold
tomorrow, I'll be 5 years old.
5 kisses when I wake,
5 candles on my cake!

With all of my love