Merry and Bright

Once we got our Christmas tree up the decorating began in full force, along with some ginger bread fun which was clearly hard for some people to hold back from,

The kids and I had such a great time setting up this mini Christmas tree for all of the fairies and small animals who live on our family nature table,

We unwrapped the beloved wool Nativity made by my amazingly talented friend Nicole, and placed it in the middle of our living room where Carys gazes at and caresses the baby Jesus figure multiple times a day in the sweetest way.

Our stockings are hung by the chimney with care,

Our stag head even got in on the decorating this year,

On our front door I hung a straw wreath from Ikea that we've had for a few years now and was such a great bargain as its simplicity goes with anything and it seems like it will last forever. This year I stuck some pieces of dried Hydrangea flowers in it to spice it up.
On either side of the door I placed small Lemon Cypress plants, which smell really amazing and make me happy every time I walk by.

Our front door has 6 window panes and as I was going through our Christmas decorations I found these six small gilded paper birds. I hung one in each pane, they hover there and move when the door opens,

they look great in silhouette too,

Finally,  I found the perfect spot for these hanging star garlands above our stairs. I bought them a while ago at the Union Square holiday market, which you should definitely visit for amazing creative gifts if you are ever in NYC during the holiday season. That holiday market is one of the things that I am missing about NYC as this season approaches, but we are heading north for the holidays and we've got a short visit to our old city worked in there! It will be our first time back since our move 6 months ago and I am a bit scared and nervous to go back since leaving was so hard, but mostly I'm excited to see old friends!

I enjoyed this post about holiday decorating on a design blog that I've been visiting lately
with some really great easy DIY ideas for holiday decorating, and this clever craft tutorial that would delight my kids for our family nature table.