August break: cloud 9

 The view from my grandparent's deck...

the vegetable garden...

where I channeled my artistic expression this week...

the pond where I learned how to swim...

four baby cows this year, the little rust colored one is our favorite....

the best part, spending time with beloved people...

Our week on my family's farm, aptly named Cloud 9, is coming to an end. On the second evening that we were here a wild ligtening storm came up and the house here on top of the mountain took a direct hit so all of our power and internet was taken out. Power was restored but we spent the week without internet access, which was a nice chance for us to have a totally technology free week! What an escape!
My aunt does an amazing job of running farm here, she rents two of the houses on the property out as vacation rentals now so if you are ever looking for a place to stay in the Asheville, North Carolina area you can find out all about the farm here. It really is a little slice of heaven.
Seeing my children here, playing like I used to play with my cousins, makes my heart so happy.
We can't wait to come back next summer.