Art Exchange

A few weeks ago I participated in an art exchange. I was excited to see what would come of it, as the idea of passing art out into the world to someone that I didn't know felt like a serendipitous act to me.

Today I received a thank you from the woman that I sent a print to, saying that she loved the art exchange so much that she wanted to send a "Thank You"...which turned out to be her own art response to my print!!! I loved it!

I had sent her a print of my painting Leap, she had photocopied the print and right on top she had written the amazing quote that you see above. The quote was so appropriate to the theme of the painting it is as if she read my mind as I was painting it. Talk about serendipity.

So, can I tell you how intrigued I was...I immediately googled Mary Anne Radmacher and found her inspirational website of beautiful art and quotes of her original writing. She has a line of greeting cards, posters, books and so much more. In fact, her work looks so familiar to me I swear I had a card by her on my wall in college.

I loved everything about this encounter. In her package she also included a piece of her original art with another of her fabulous quotes, this one about Leaves and Feathers:

Both of these pieces are going right into my studio, for inspiration and reflection, I know that they are pieces that will help me when I am in stuck places, I just know it!
Huge Thank You's Mary Anne!